Monday, February 7, 2011

First website layout attempt

We have to create a self-promotional website for our introductory new media class. This is my first attempt at the design. I wish I could just play with fonts and columns and guides all day. But now I have to make quick thumbnail for our 3D assignment. I have no energy left. I spent all weekend looking at colons, staplers, and j-pouches for surgical.

I've made several changes based on feedback from my professor and peers. I think it looks considerably better. Now to mock up the rest of the pages!


Joyce said...

Yay an update! :3

Your design looks nice and clean!
Just a quick suggestion: you might want to increase the contrast between your first and last name (maybe bold your last name) because I read your name as a single word right now. And I'm also not sure whether you want the emphasis on your name, or on "biomedical visualizations" (currently the focus).

Good luck with surgical and 3D! This is tough term but I know you'll be ok. :)

Sjan Weijers said...

good web design by the look of it :)